5 Benefits of a Home Gym for Parents

As a parent, it can be hard to go to the gym so you can be fit and healthy. That is why parents would undeniably benefit from having a home gym. Here are 5 benefits of a home gym:
- Being a Role Model
- Family Time
- Freedom
- Saving time
- Convenience
Being a Role Model

First benefit of a home gym as a parent is being able to be a role model. What do I mean?
Working out at your home allows your kids to watch you. They can watch you get stronger, struggle, and pushing yourself to be better. Your kids can see discipline and habits in motion. You are showing them how to be strong and be uncomfortable.
Kids don’t do well when told what to do, as parents, we know this too well. Instead of telling your kids that exercise is good for them, you are simply showing them. Kids will mirror your actions louder than words.
You can help your kids grow up seeing exercise as a normal part of life. Having a home gym can create an opportunity for you and your kids to have a healthy relationship with exercise. Couple years ago, I wrote another blog, Your kids are watching, that goes into this a bit. Go check it out.
More Family Time
As a parent, I get it, you can feel guilty going to the gym instead of spending that time with the family. That is another benefit of a home gym, you can do both.
Let your kids join you with your workouts and spend time with them. As stated above, you are being a role model with fitness. During these workouts, have fun with them. Fun will be the key thing here; you want your kids to enjoy being with you in the gym.
Show your kids that exercise is another form of playtime. Yes, your workouts won’t be as effective in the sense of building strength or hypertrophy. But it will fulfil the health side, both mental and physical. You don’t have to have your kids in all your workouts but make a habit of at least once a week for that family time.
This is a special time to be together and building a closer relationship with each other and with fitness.
With a home gym, you have the benefit of freedom. This can mean be a variety of things for different people. For myself, it means the freedom to wear what I want. I love lifting barefoot, but in a commercial gym, it is frowned upon.
You have the freedom to choose your equipment, what you wear, the music you listen to, and more.
In your home gym, you have the freedom to bring your kids in with you for family time. In commercial or public gyms, you can’t do that and will miss out on the benefits mentioned above.
Benefits of a home gym is the freedom of time. It is super convenient to get a workout in at home without having to travel for it.
Saving Time
Time is precious and you can never get it back. As parents, your kids grow up in a blink of an eye, and wonder where did the time go?
A home gym can save you time from traveling to and from the gym. Now, you have that extra time to be with your loved ones. Speaking of time, you now have convenience to workout any time of the day, whenever is convenient to you.
Having a home gym means convenience. You can workout first thing in the morning if that is what you prefer. You can work out after the kids go to bed or first thing after work. On weekends, I think this is the most convenient part, you can workout all day long. Let me explain.
Imagine you are a new parent, weeks old newborn, you have zero time to work out. If you have a home gym, you can literally go do a set and come back. Do this all day long till you are done with the workout.
Super convenient right?
Same situation, you have a newborn, and they are sleeping. You can set up a pack n play in the home gym while you work out.
Another super convenient situation.
Having a home gym has many benefits, but these are the top 5 in my opinion.
Drawbacks of a Home Gym
There are many positives of a home gym, but there are some negatives. First one is upfront costs of a home gym. It will cost more in the beginning compared to a commercial gym. Instead of seeing it as a cost, look at it as an investment.
You are investing in your health, your future, and in your kids. Getting started at a cost efficient manner, go check out my other blog, How to get started with your home gym for amazing results. I give recommendations on what equipment you can start with. Overtime, you can invest with more equipment based on your wants and needs.
Another disadvantage is dependent on where you put your home gym. If it is in the garage, you must worry about the weather. I have mine in the garage and in the middle of winter it is not fun. With that said, during the summer it is totally worth it so I can be in the sun with some exercises.
If you are one that does not adjust well to the climate change, have it in your basement if you have one.
Parents, Invest in the Home Gym
The pros outweigh the cons for having a home gym. The benefits of a home gym are more than how you look, it will benefit your future and your kid’s future.
Here is the great part, you do not have to be exclusive with a home gym. You can do both with a home gym and a commercial gym. With your home gym, it can be as simple as the equipment mentioned in the article I shared. This would be great for days it doesn’t work going to a commercial gym.
I understand, there is a different kind of energy when you walk into a public gym. You also get all the toys that you can’t afford or fit into your home gym. If you love that environment, do both.
I did this for some time, but eventually I gave up the commercial gym because I didn’t like having to wait for the squat rack to open, or some other piece of equipment.
Let this article be your sign to invest in yourself. Use this article as a sign to focus on your health and fitness. The benefits of a home gym can help you stop making excuses and start making changes.
If you are wondering where to go for equipment, I highly recommend The Grind Fitness. I have their squat rack and bench for a reasonable price.
If you have any questions regarding the home gym or workouts, email me at cory@caruthersfitness.com.
It’s more fun having a gym at home.