Tag: building muscle

Consistency: The Most Important Part of any Plan

Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: January 18, 2022 Comments: 0

Motivation is a great way to get started with your fitness journey, but it is unsustainable to rely on it. When you rely on motivation alone, what will happen is inconsistency of your plan. You can have the greatest plan for yourself, whether it is nutrition or exercise, but if you are inconsistent with that plan you will not see results. That is why you need to create a plan…

What are the Benefits of Strength Training, and Why Everyone Needs It 

Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: January 10, 2022 Comments: 0

What is strength? Before we talk about all the benefits of strength training we should talk about what strength is. First, I want to say that it is not your 1 rep max on a lift. Strength is much more than just lifting weights. A great well known coach, Pavel, defines strength as the ability to generate force under given conditions. I like this definition because in life we are…

What is Unilateral Training and Why it’s Important

Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: December 20, 2021 Comments: 1

Unilateral training is when you are training using one limb or one side of the body compared to lifting weights with both limbs at same time called bilateral. Example of a bilateral exercise would be a squat, lifting with both legs, and a unilateral exercise would be a rear foot elevated split squat. Mike Boyle, a well known strength coach in MA likes to categorize his unilateral leg exercises. The…

What is Mobility and Why Everyone Should Train It

Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: December 13, 2021 Comments: 1

Mobility training is easily confused with flexibility, but there’s a difference, and I would say mobility should be more focused. So, let’s define what mobility is and how it is different from flexibility. Mobility, best described as the active range of motion and flexibility is the passive range of motion. Mobility of a joint requires flexibility of the muscle surrounding that joint, and strength or active control during movement through…


Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: November 16, 2021 Comments: 0

So your goal is to build muscle? The first step is you need to start resistance training. Resistance training is the only form of exercise that builds muscles. Another term for muscle growth that you might have heard of is hypertrophy. If your goal is to build muscle, then you will benefit from being in a caloric surplus. This is because tissue building is expensive and needs the nutrients and…