Author: Cory Caruthers

What is Mobility and Why Everyone Should Train It

Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: December 13, 2021 Comments: 1

Mobility training is easily confused with flexibility, but there’s a difference, and I would say mobility should be more focused. So, let’s define what mobility is and how it is different from flexibility. Mobility, best described as the active range of motion and flexibility is the passive range of motion. Mobility of a joint requires flexibility of the muscle surrounding that joint, and strength or active control during movement through…


Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: December 6, 2021 Comments: 0

Creatine Monohydrate is one of the most researched supplements out there, and is widely used in the sports and fitness community. Besides the benefits for performance and muscle hypertrophy, there are now many studies showing evidence for the health benefits. Before I go into the health benefits of creatine, let’s talk about what creatine is. Creatine is a molecule that is produced in the body, primarily in the liver, and…


Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: November 23, 2021 Comments: 0

What is your mindset with exercise? Another way to ask yourself is; What is your Why for exercise? The reason I ask is because your Why matters, and it will dictate how you will exercise whether it’s good or bad. Ideally the mindset of exercise should be a positive one, helping you move better and feel better physically and mentally. You should be leaving the gym feeling better than you…


Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: November 16, 2021 Comments: 0

So your goal is to build muscle? The first step is you need to start resistance training. Resistance training is the only form of exercise that builds muscles. Another term for muscle growth that you might have heard of is hypertrophy. If your goal is to build muscle, then you will benefit from being in a caloric surplus. This is because tissue building is expensive and needs the nutrients and…


Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: September 28, 2021 Comments: 3

Fat loss is all about manipulating the energy balance of the body. How your body burns energy during the day can be explained in, What is Metabolism?. The metabolism is the total energy expenditure (TEE) of the body. This energy is measured as calories, and the byproduct is heat. In order for you to lose weight you have to use more calories than you take in, this is called a…


Posted by: Cory Caruthers Posted on: September 16, 2021 Comments: 3

Metabolism is one of those terms that people will use but not fully understand what it means. The term is mostly associated with how well you can maintain weight or lose weight. Fast and slow metabolisms are commonly phrased when talking about losing weight. The word metabolism means much more than just losing or gaining weight. Your body’s metabolism is actually the total energy expenditure (TEE) of the body. What…