Get to Know Me
Family is important to me. I am a husband and a father of two kids and make them a priority in life. Fitness is also a priority in my life and I use fitness to make me better for my family.
After I had kids, I realized more than ever what strength training can do for me to be better. I also realized how hard it can be to work out with kids.
I learned what is doable and sustainable to reach results while navigating the parent life. Having kids doesn’t mean any more gym time, it means some changes need to be made. Getting your kids involved with your workouts is one change and fun for everyone.
My daughter loves to work out with me in the garage gym, to her it’s another time to play. She will ask how to do certain exercises so she can be strong like me. I am looking forward to my son being a little bigger so I can have him in there as well.
I want to help parents get fit and stay fit for themselves and their kids. Kids love to play, run, jump, and roll around, as a parent I want to do that as well without worrying about injury. I want to help other parents do the same.